Sadly no. Sorry for the lapse in response. I built them with the intent to animate, but
kept building and developing a way to reproduce skeletal sculptures..which i still am and will post soon. I built armatures for students back in the 90's, very simple hinge joint
ones. I enjoy making, simply making objects like these. I used to build my own toys, especially trains and miniature baseball stadium fields, as a kid.
Sadly no. Sorry for the lapse in response. I built them with the intent to animate, but
kept building and developing a way to reproduce skeletal sculptures..which i still am and will post soon. I built armatures for students back in the 90's, very simple hinge joint
ones. I enjoy making, simply making objects like these. I used to build my own toys, especially trains and miniature baseball stadium fields, as a kid.
Very interesting armatures. I haven't seen any made this way before.I would be interested in how they are working for you animation wise.
Have you tried animating these beasts?