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  • As it says on the web page

    Free and powerful software for 2D and stop motion animators.

    You should really try it. And support this kind of opensource user development.

    Most users are into the 2D traditional part, so I would really appreciate more stopmotion animators around the program. You will find all the development and support on their discord server.

  • I've used Tahoma2D since the beginning (+two years) for stopmotion, actually I've used Toonz first in the end 90' and then the Harlekin version got opensource thanks to studio Ghibli and Tahoma2D is an offspring with a lot of user made changes. Mainly a canon DSLR support for stop motion! Plus a needed UI overhaul. And many other improvements. It's tvpaint, Retas, and dragonframe in one. One thing that has yet to come is moco, but things one traveling matte, animated support layers, animated video projection on set, rig removal .. etc..

  • @Hans Jacob Wagner: Have you used Tahoma2D for stop motion? I found a few videos online talking about its 2D application but not stopmo.

  • Tahoma2D - Free Opensource StopMotion for Win, Mac, and Linux

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