Dave Cooley replied to Anthony Scott's discussion Taking Suggestions for the next Jam in STOPMO JAM 5
"Several months notice is fine. If it gets too long, it gets put off and more involved.
Sep 11, 2022
Dave Cooley posted a photo in STOPMO JAM 4
Looks like I'm back on board! My calendar still had the July deadline on it so I panicked when I was injured. I was probably 2/3 finished at the time so I can finish the rest before Aug. 21.Photo is a lighting test for a shot I expect to finish…
Aug 11, 2022
Dave Cooley left a comment on STOPMO JAM 4
"Anthony - I may be unable to make a Jam this time after all. I was attacked by a neighborhood dog Monday. Depends on how long it takes to heal up."
Jun 29, 2022
Dave Cooley commented on William Pakyntein's photo in STOPMO JAM 4
"Wow! I'd love to see photos of your build in progress. Puppet building is one of my weak spots."
Jun 24, 2022
Dave Cooley commented on William Pakyntein's photo in STOPMO JAM 4
"Nice! Can't wait to see what you do."
Jun 24, 2022
Dave Cooley replied to Anthony Scott's discussion Idea for StopMo Jam 4 Title in STOPMO JAM 4
"Looks like a useful program! I'm still using pencil and paper and a corkboard. I sketch out the shots on 3x5 note cards, which at a 15:9 ratio closely approximate a 16:9 frame. Then I scan them and bring them into Premiere Pro where I can play with…"
May 28, 2022
Dave Cooley commented on Anthony Scott's event STOPMO JAM CHAT
"Enjoyed hearing and seeing you all, tho I was more of a stalker without a camera or mic to join in. Maybe on the next one I can get set up. Still slogging away on my project. Working with things suspended on wires is much more difficult than I…"
May 14, 2022
Dave Cooley commented on Anthony Scott's event STOPMO JAM CHAT
"Love to participate, but have no camera or mic on my computer."
May 13, 2022
Dave Cooley posted a photo in STOPMO JAM 4
Trying to keep things simple. For me, this means cheap and not too much investment in time. I want to focus more on animation for this Jam and not props, sets and puppets.These rockets are made from materials I found in my workshop scrapbox: PVC…
Jan 17, 2022
  • Dave Cooley Best laid plans of mice and men.... I'm also yielding. Animation completed thus far is fairly simplistic - simply moving the rockets through space. Doing more post production than I intended since it is so much quicker than doing everything in…
    Jun 24, 2022
Dave Cooley left a comment on STOPMO JAM 4
"Great choice of theme! Just one problem... how to keep it simple? So many possibilities..."
Jan 6, 2022
Dave Cooley commented on Anthony Scott's event NEW SITE ONLINE
"Like it already - no more page of stern warning from my browser not to go to this site because of security reasons."
Dec 20, 2021