StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"Once I thought of Krampus as a character from a Christmas tradition that looks more like he belongs in Halloween, he seemed like the perfect crossover. I wondered how many others might have that same thought. Looking forward to seeing what you did…"
Oct 22, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"I just sent my Jam entry to Anthony via WeTransfer."
Oct 4, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"Woo hoo, I finished animating yesterday! I had to re-shoot one shot to make it quicker. Since I cut to different angles with the same 3 puppets both before and after, I couldn't just take a bit off either end, the moves would not have matched. That…"
Sep 29, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"All puppets made, and main set pieces, just not placed on the ground yet.
Should have been at this stage a week ago, but had trouble letting go of another project, with Baba Yaga, had to finish off some making on that before I put it away until…"
Sep 17, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"Sorry to hear we'll miss out on your entry. Life does tend to throw a lot at you sometimes. Your idea sounds good, but there's a lot going on, it might have been a bit cramped getting it into 20 seconds."
Sep 5, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"Just watched it - yes, I can picture it, great simple idea! I keep trying to tell a more complicated story and then can't fit it into the 15 or 20 seconds, your idea is more what the Jam needs. I'm halfway through the puppet and set building on…"
Aug 25, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"I struggled for a while with just a Christmas idea, putting in Halloween didn't add anything to the concept, just a pointless diversion that would put it over the 20 sec time limit... and I was stuck on that. Then a couple of days ago I had a…"
Jul 27, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"I have an idea for a Christmas theme, but I can't figure out how to get Halloween in there as well, it's already a mashup with Xmas and one other element. But I'll keep thinking about it."
Apr 16, 2023
StopmoNick left a comment on STOPMO JAM 5
"If your phone can shoot video at HD 1920 x 1080 pixels, you should be fine to shoot with Stop Motion Studio."
Apr 12, 2023
StopmoNick replied to Anthony Scott's discussion Taking Suggestions for the next Jam in STOPMO JAM 5
"Doors is a great idea for the transitions!  I have a collection of doors from various projects so it would be easy for me to use one of them.  But is that enough of a unifying theme in itself?  You could do anything at all, as long as you put doors…"
Oct 16, 2022
StopmoNick replied to Anthony Scott's discussion Taking Suggestions for the next Jam in STOPMO JAM 5
"Looking at some of the ideas already suggested...
Simon, I would have done a steampunk piece if I had managed to do a Jam segment this year, as I think it could qualify as a form of science fiction.  I did a class exercise with my Steamwalker, but…"
Oct 8, 2022
StopmoNick replied to Anthony Scott's discussion STOPMO JAM 4 Behind the Scenes! in STOPMO JAM 4
"Fex - That's an original approach to creating a starfield, with the grey foam!  Looks like you just change the lighting so it comes up black, with lots of little stars in different sizes and intensities, all there instantly.  I've done starfields…"
Sep 22, 2022
StopmoNick replied to Anthony Scott's discussion STOPMO JAM 4 Behind the Scenes! in STOPMO JAM 4
"Such a great look James, really nice having that arch so there is a sense of a ceiling to the cave.  The steps in the distance look really good too., it leads the eye back and makes you feel there is more to this world than you can see.  That set…"
Sep 14, 2022

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  • Hey Nick, I just found your U-tube channel and I almost spit out my coffee laughing so hard at the video you made of the latex hands, and the puppet of Bin Laden. Great tutorial, and totally halarious. And also I hope you except my invitation. Mike.

  • Hi sorry to pester you, but I would really appreciate your help. I have you seen you help so many many people on this site over the years, but I have a really confusing problem. I have been doing stop motion for many years now, but only since last year have I tried to make it a profession, but one thing in stopping my work looking professional is the bad flickering in my films. I’ve tried everything. Im using a canon, so I decided to buy a high quality Nikon lens adapter, so I can mount the older style manual aperture lens. I then bought a older style manual Nikon lens, to override the the aperture, but I still have the exact same flickering! It really doesn’t make sense and I have tried nearly everything. Do you any suggestions , thanks for your time I really appreciate it.

    Also here is my setup:


    • Using Dragon Frame
    • Using Dedolights
    • Using a canon E0S 600d, with very pricey Novoflex adapter E0S/ NIK NT
    • Using a Nikon manual aperture 55mm Macro lens
    • Wearing black clothing
    • Room with no other light coming through over than dedolights.
  •  Hi Nick Hilligoss! My name is Daniel, I'm from Curitiba - Brasil. I'm a big admirer of your job. I'm working now with stop motion and your jod is a great reference for me! Sorry for my bad english. By

  • Hi Nick, don´t mean to bother. just so you know I left you a private message on monday, I´d be very thankful if you could reply whenever is possible. Thanks.

  • Hi Nick.  Your puppets all look great!  I am interested in making a latex puppet, but it's a creature and doesn't have the luxury of hiding aspects of it's creation with clothes.  This is my first time attempting a latex puppet.  I was searching online for good sources for really in depth instruction.  Would you know of any books that cover the topic in detail?  I sent a friend request to message you this question, but then realized I could just comment it.  Anyway, much appreciated.  Be well!Smile.gif

  • accept my request, i'm a 13 yr old animator and you inspire me.

  • You are the best, you are an inspirartion to me. Please accept my request that i sent you 3 months agoGrin.gif

  • Hi Nick, I wanted to thank you for your tutorials.  They really are the best sources around for puppet fabrication, especially for beginners like me.  So, again, thank you!

  • Hi, i'm currently making a Life sized realistic, raptor head puppet for stop motion, that involves recycled cushion foam, Aluminium wire(for the armature frame) glue, plywood, liquid latex, screws, washers, and paint, do you think that all purpose glue will be good for sticking the foam to the wire and the plywood? P.S You're awesome, and my project is inspired by the building of your amazing Dragon head puppet. I will post the finished project, and and animation to go with it, on your page. I hope you read this and i hope you enjoy the results.

  • Just wanted to say thanks for the info.. It was helpfull.
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